A Tid Bit About Me

     Welcome to my blog about nothing! I just started my last semester of school at BYU-Idaho and am taking a family relations course (thus the blog). I will be posting once a week about different topics we learn about the family.
     To start off, I want to share a few things about me. I love summer and the hot weather it brings. I enjoy doing various different sports like volleyball, tennis, running, frisbee, and hiking. I just recently shared my first year anniversary with my wonderful husband Jackson. As I was reflecting on our first year of marriage, it reminded me of how our marriage started out with my car being stolen on the night we were married. Thank goodness this was not foreshadowing on how our marriage would be.
     Taking it back to our wedding, I had no idea my car was stolen because we were driving my husband's car around all day. We left the reception in his car and were off to Arizona for our honeymoon. While we were there I got a random text from my mom asking where I had parked my car. I thought it was an odd question but I told her it was parked in front of the house like it usually is. I asked her why and she just said "nevermind". So I didn't even think more of the conversation.
     Next week we went to Missouri for our second reception and my parents greet us by saying they had some bad news. They told me that my car had been stolen and they haven't heard from the police yet as to where my car was. So after I shed a couple tears, I tried to get over it and be grateful that at least it was my car and not Jackson's.
     Flash forward a couple weeks and my mom gets a call that my car was found so she went to my abandoned car and drove it home. Turns out, they stole my CD's including my favorite Matchbox Twenty album, some loose change, and whatever was in my middle consul. Although not much was taken, I couldn't take away the feeling of being violated. However, I was glad to at least have my car back.
     To end this story, I'm sad to say that even after getting my car back, it wasn't able to make the 4 hour drive back up to BYU-Idaho and it was sold for parts. I got a whopping $100 for my poor Honda Civic.
RIP Christine.


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