How to cope with stress

     There are many different ways of coping with stress. Some are more effective than others, but they are all coping mechanisms nonetheless. When there is a family crisis, it can be very life-changing. I have heard a number of stories this week in my class about different students going through difficult trials. It was interesting to listen to them and hear the similarities of all the stories. None of the stories were the same but they all mentioned how it helped them learn something from that experience. All the stories shared brought up that having belief in God also helped them get through their crisis. I noticed that these stories had positive ways of coping with stress. In the book Lauer & Lauer, it talks about how families who develop certain strengths are usually more effective at coping with issues or problems that arise. Some of those strengths are:

  • accord, or relationships that foster problem-solving and manage conflict well
  • celebrations, including birthdays, religious days, and other special events
  • communication, including both beliefs and emotions
  • good financial management
  • hardiness, which includes commitment to the family, the belief that family members have control over their loves, and a sense that the family can deal with all changes
  • health, both physical and emotional
  • shared leisure activities
  • acceptance of each member's personality and behavior
  • a social support network of relatives and friends
  • sharing routines such as family meals and chores
  • traditions that carry over from one generation to another
     I know that for me personally, God has helped me get through every single trial I have gone through in my life. I am very grateful my mother took me to church every Sunday when I was growing up so I could learn about Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. I know the Lord hears all prayers and knows each of us personally. I have seen it bring my family closer and it has definitely helped us learn how to cope with our various trials. 
     We don't have to see ourselves as victims. We can get through hard things. We can learn and grow from them. I know that if we can take what has happened to us and learn from the experiences we have, we will be stronger for it and God will bless us for it.


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